
It is an incredible book on passion and perseverance. How does someone get the courage to keep moving forward in difficult times? Is it the talent that keeps us moving forward?

We rarely consider someone a product of hard work because mostly we aren’t aware of the tons of hard work put in by the personality for decades. We simply focus on overnight success.

That’s how we get in the loop of instant success or win. We start to lose patience a must-have skill in the 21st century.

The author notes that “Necessity is the mother of adaption.” She gave a beautiful narrative of her youngest daughter. Her daughter reached the age of three without learning to use potty. She and her husband were unable to trick her to leave the diaper behind.

After Lucy’s third birthday she went to a big classroom from toddler classroom where everyone was asked to use the potty and that’s where she learned. When something becomes a necessity we adapt that quickly like wearing a mask in the present context 🙂

One of the huge mistakes people make is to foster interest in them. It doesn’t mean interest can’t be developed. It surely can be.

To test that you can do an activity for a week or a month and see if you are able to trigger the interest again and again. I was able to trigger the interest in writing without any prior interest.

One needs to practice deliberately to reach newer heights. Deliberate practice makes a huge difference. You need to able to pinpoint where you are lacking and need to work upon for a paced growth.

The book sums on the need of developing the habit of grit to keep moving forward no matter what the challenge is that’s how we progress 🙂

You can buy the book here

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